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Three Pastors On A Wild Ride


NOTE: The journey below was written before the publication of our book, Pastor Unique: Becoming a Turnaround Leader. Heck, we didn’t even have a title yet! It is fun to look back and see God’s hand.   Gary Westra, August 23, 2016

We started a wild ride two years ago. Really wild

We didn’t realize it at the time, but in the rearview mirror we can see how that ride was the culmination of God’s decades long leading each of us, on separate paths, to this moment.

Our life’s work, the ministry experience – the pain and the rewards  – he’s brought each of us through, the way he’s “wired” us, our education and our current place in life have led us to this moment. To this ministry opportunity.

How We Met 

It began innocently enough. None of us were aware of what God had in store. We met on the Internet of all places. It may have been at LinkedIn, but none of us is sure. In time, through a leisurely exchange of posts at comments online, we discovered a mutual interest and passion: helping desperate pastors learn to lead their churches to renewal, conversion growth, and vibrant life!

Gordon’s research into the factors that distinguish effective turnaround pastors, Gary’s expertise in personality testing and coaching and Bud’s experience training pastors to be effective change agents ““ along with our mutual love of the Lord and his Word ““ all coalesced into the formation of Turnaround Pastors, Inc.

What We’re About

We can’t begin to tell you how thrilled we are to be a part of this. God’s hand is clearly on this ““ it is his, not ours. He’s shown that by providing remarkable people to serve on our Board of Directors. He’s shown his hand in the people he’s brought to us as potential trainers. He’s shown that to us in the resources he’s already freely provided ““ through people who’ve caught the vision.

And speaking of vision, here’s what we’re about:

Our Mission

We will exalt Christ through an educational ministry that provides personal training and resources to enable pastors to serve as turnaround leaders of plateaued or declining churches.

Our Vision

By 2025 we will see 100,000 churches that have been transformed through the leadership of turnaround pastors whom we have trained.

Our Values

Who We Want to Help

We know we can help these pastors.

Our solution is unique.

We don’t provide “one size fits all” tools. We don’t tell pastors to “do it like Pastor So-and-So” (case studies aren’t very helpful). We don’t tell pastors that sitting in a conference or seminar or workshop (even ours!) is enough ““ we follow up with coaching and professional development that is tailored to fit each pastor’s unique profile!

Our solution is unique because we address the real reason why the pastor isn’t able to lead the church to renewal. And what is that real reason? The pastor’s lack of leadership training combined with the pastor’s usual behaviors, personal needs and stress responses ““ those are the reasons why pastors can’t lead effectively.

We’ve got the proof. We’ve got the testimonials. We know we can help these pastors.

Now it’s time to roll this out!

What’s Next?

The three of us are furiously writing a book.

Our deadline is to have it in the publisher’s hands by December 1.

That’s a tall order, especially given the fact that we’re three regular guys ““ working people ““ who still have to put food on the table, pay the rent and make sure the utilities aren’t shut off.

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