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A specialized Turnaround Bootcamp:


This is a camp for denominational leaders and one or two of their pastors.
The purpose?
  • Leaders often ask if they can attend a Bootcamp as part of discerning if they should host one for their pastors.
  • This specialized camp covers all of the Bootcamp material, but does not include paying for a Birkman Orientation.
  • This opportunity gives you all the content and enables you to discuss with one or two of your pastors having a Bootcamp for your group.
  • Place:  Zoom meeting.
  • Time: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, October 24-26, 2022.
  • Manual: A 100+ page resource we will send to each participant.
  • Price: $49 (Normally $499 when a Birkman Profile is included.)
  • Presenters:  Turnaround Pastor Researchers Bud Brown, Gordon Penfold and Gary Westra, and Turnaround Associates.

Sign me up!


Go from
filled with doubt, discouraged, and ill-equipped for the daunting task of leading that stagnant church off the plateau.

With the help of the coaches of Turnaround Pastors to
a confident, hopeful, and inspirational pastor who knows how to lead that stagnant church off the plateau and into vibrant growth.

New Online Courses:

Turnaround Pastors has been developing an online library of resources that are available free to our newsletter subscribers.

It’s been a slow process, but we’re starting to get the hang of the workflow. Here are some offerings currently available on the Turnaround Pastors YouTube Channel.

  • Coaching the Whole Pastor
  • The Silver Lining of Covid19
  • Leading Anxious Churches in Anxious Times
  • Staying Power: Why People Leave Church Over Change
  • Using the Birkman to Coach Pastors for Best Practices

And would you please do us a favor? Pass along this link to other pastors you know. It briefly describes how we may be able to serve them.

For more information about the services Turnaround Pastors provides, please let us know how to contact you via email.

Thanks for your interest,

Turnaround Pastors Inc.